Rare Diseases and the Non-Physician Provider (Expired)

Faculty: Dawn Laney, MS, CGC, CCRC and Kara Anstett, MS, CGC Grant Support: Sanofi Genzyme

Joint Providers: Postgraduate Institute for Medicine and Enquiring Minds, LLC

broken X link in DNA image

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Optimize diagnostic and therapeutic strategies across families and lifespans.

Teenage boy with glasses


An ophthalmologist performs a standard exam including routine slit lamp on his 12 year-old-son, Owen. He observes corneal whorls in both of Owen’s eyes, which were not seen on previous exams. The exam also reveals conjunctival vessel tortuosity.

Pregnant woman


Lori is a 33-year-old pregnant woman of European ancestry who is offered expanded carrier screening (ECS) during her first-trimester routine screening and ultrasound appointment.

Man, woman and child

Alex and Family

A husband and wife, both of Ashkenazi Jewish ancestry, decide to do direct to consumer (DTC) genetic testing to learn more about their ancestry and health risks. Their results indicate that they are both carriers of the N409S variant in the GBA gene.


Alzheimer's Disease (Expired)


Integrating Real World Evidence into Treatment Plans for Relapsing MS (Expired)