Does My Patient Have Early Alzheimer’s Disease? Non-Physician

Faculty: Marwan Sabbagh, MD, FAAN and Ida Crocker-Sabbagh, MD, FAAFP Grant Support: Genentech

Joint Providers: Medical Education Resources and Enquiring Minds, LLC

Estimated Release: March 31, 2023 Expires on: March 31, 2024 Media Type: internet Completion Time: 1 hour


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Challenge yourself as you diagnose patents, tailor treatment plans, and assess expert guidance for 3 patients exhibiting symptoms of cognitive decline.

68 year old man who is experiencing memory loss


Robert is a 68-year-old male with 19 years of education who presents to his primary care provider with reports of memory loss and cognitive changes.

Robert’s wife attends the visit and helps provide history.

Older woman who is experiencing cognitive changes


Maureen is a 71-year-old female with 14 years of education who presents to her primary care provider with complaints of memory loss and cognitive changes.

Maureen’s spouse reports that her symptoms have been present for about 6 years and initially manifested as sudden loss of hearing.

Man in 70s experiencing challenges with short-term memory


Samuel is a 72-year-old male with 18 years of education who presents to his primary care provider for a routine annual visit.

During the examination, Samuel mentions that he has been having issues with his short-term memory.


Migraine in Primary Care


Does My Patient Have Early Alzheimer's Disease? CME (expired)